How can you easily find the right products?
The first step in finding the right products is understanding your customer’s needs. You could start by carefully reading the customer’s email or Excel request and understanding what they are looking for. Pay attention to the product specifications and attributes of the products requested.
For the next steps there are no ‘’one sentence answers’’ to this question, as it depends on many factors. Most important, where is your data stored and how do have your product data organized. If you have your data stored in Excel, you could use the search function or VLOOKUP as discussed in the blog ‘Excel cross referencing and VLOOKUP’.
If you have a web shop but do not have a good internal search engine you could enter product attributes into your web shop or google certain attributes to try to find the right product. You could also consider research other suppliers. If you do not have the product or are not sure you could research other suppliers who may have it.